Post by Lowend on Dec 30, 2001 19:42:13 GMT -5
Okay, does anybody here know about making game engines. I can commit to a long term project(as i know they take a long time) but i was just wondering about the basics of making an engine for a rpg or First Person Shooter. I don't really understand what all is in a game engine. PLEASE HELP!
Post by TheAlmightyPoo on Dec 31, 2001 21:02:26 GMT -5
You mean like a video game engine? thats gonna be a toughie dood, i cant even begin to make a map, let alone a engine.....i tip is to get several people to help ya (a team if you will) i would think you would need some kinda colledge degree to do something like that, complicated stuff.
Post by Lowend on Dec 31, 2001 21:17:19 GMT -5
no, i can make maps, textures, models and shit like that. but...engines...for now i'm just using the gen3d engine. it's not bad. I'm writing an RPG in C write now. It's hard shit. I'm just not good with the syntax. i just started C a month ago. but soon i have a C++ class starting, so that should help. i made one with vb, but Visual Basic is kind of limited i think.
i also need help on getting my 3d models into the C language.
Post by Lowend on Dec 31, 2001 21:22:05 GMT -5
check out my 2d shooter here's the code ------------------------------------- Private Sub Picture1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Private Sub mnuAbout_Click() MsgBox "Designed By: Jeremy Nelson" + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + "This game is just an experiment with a space invader type game using a few timers.", vbOKOnly + vbSystemModal + vbInformation, "About:"
End Sub
Private Sub mnuControls_Click() MsgBox "The arrow keys control the ships movement, and the Control button shoots." End Sub
Private Sub mnuExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer() ' If GetAsyncKeyState(GoLeft) Then Shape2.Left = Shape2.Left - 200 ElseIf GetAsyncKeyState(GoRight) Then Shape2.Left = Shape2.Left + 200 End If
'Keeps your ship from getting off of the screen If Shape2.Top < Divider.Top Then Shape2.Top = Divider.Top End If If Shape2.Top > Divider2.Top Then Shape2.Top = Divider2.Top
End If If Shape2.Left < Divider.Left Then Shape2.Left = Divider.Left End If If Shape2.Left > Divider3.Left Then Shape2.Left = Divider3.Left End If
'When the Invader gets to the bottom then it goes back to the top 'When the Invader goes to the top it's randomized If Invader.Top > Form1.Height Then Invader.Top = 2 Invader.Left = Rnd() * Form1.Width End If
'This makes the Invader fall Invader.Top = Invader.Top + 200
If GetAsyncKeyState(GoForward) Then Timer3.Enabled = True End If
End Sub
Private Sub Timer3_Timer()
'If Control is pressed, then shoot bullets If GetAsyncKeyState(GoForward) Then Bullet.Top = Shape2.Top + 250 Bullet.Left = Shape2.Left + 500 Bullet.Visible = True Timer4.Enabled = True End If Bullet.Top = Bullet.Top - 200
End Sub
Private Sub Timer4_Timer() 'This is the whole collision detection concept that I'm still working on 'fully understanding 'But what it does is it checks so that when the bullet hits the invader in the 'middle, beeps, and sends the bullet back and sends the invader back to the top If ((Bullet.Left + (Bullet.Width / 2)) - Invader.Left < Invader.Width) _ And (Bullet.Left + (Bullet.Width / 2) > Invader.Left) _ And (Bullet.Top - Invader.Top < Invader.Height) _ And (Bullet.Top > Invader.Top) Then lblScore.Caption = lblScore.Caption + 2 Invader.Top = 1 Invader.Left = Rnd() * Form1.Width Bullet.Top = Shape2.Top + 250 Bullet.Left = Shape2.Left + 500 Timer3.Enabled = False Bullet.Visible = False Beep End If
End Sub
Private Sub Timer5_Timer() 'So if the alien gets passed you, you lose two points If Invader.Top > Shape2.Top Then lblScore.Caption = lblScore.Caption - 2 End If End Sub
Post by TheAlmightyPoo on Jan 1, 2002 19:28:38 GMT -5
*whooshk* right over my head ;D